Saturday, January 1, 2011

Virgin Blogger

So here I am, on the 1st of January 2011 ….and honestly a little bit scared shitless (can I say that here) at what I have committed to publicly on this blog, not to mention the fact that this little virgin blogger is not at all convinced that she has it in her to create a space that will hold anyone else’s interest let a lone her own for a full 12 months.

The panic has been setting in over the last week leading up to New Years Eve, with screaming thoughts of all the things I’ll be giving up….all those lovely shiny new things whose beckoning call I will have to resist, so that I can walk my talk.

I’m hoping to do this with grace (a word not normally associated with me, she who has as much grace as an elephant in ballet points) and gratitude. Gratitude for all I do have, rather than anything lacking, lacking not just of the material kind, more so the internal lacking that often finds me giving into the call and seduction of all that is shinny, unnecessary and commercial.

Time to roll up the sleeve’s of that shirt you’ll be wearing till its thread bare because you can’t find anything to fit at the op shop and sweep the locks up into a ponytail with the elastic from your old PJ’s and get serious girl!


  1. i love this! i support your process of self-enquiry through consuming less. i travel so much that i have taken to buying new things, but giving them away...trying to keep in the balance of owning the same amount as i go...

    i look forward to reading about your adventures in minimalism

  2. Oh, yes.

    Thanks Rachel... What a juicy and delicious adventure! I'm almost tempted to join you, but that seems a bit like jumping on the band wagon. Looking forward very much to your bloggy blog.

    Does paint count as a consumable? Other art materials?

    Love, Mushy

  3. I'm here to support you Rach, as you tip toe across the hydrangeas in your little silver shoes. Tis a noble pursuit, this compact gratitude thingy. One I've considered myself for a while, but not had the strength to truly formalise. Go forth and be gracious.....

  4. Hi Rachel. This is a grand thing you do! From time to time, of necessity, we have managed life in the secondhand lane. Afterwards, new purchases seem very self indulgent and somewhat wasteful. Is this decision of yours going to stop the economy from a consumer-lead recovery? I have lots of acrylic paints that need to be used and that I am not using and you are welcome to them. You can help me clean out my cupboard. We could all benefit from this! Helen

  5. Thanks for the support! It is proving to be challenging and somewhat revealing!

    Yes, well, the consumer-lead recovery? I'm still consuming, services and consumables...although there may be few DVD and book stores that may be feeling the absence of my purchases!
